was once a noun
and now
it was amazingly turned into a verb
or in short form,FB
in just a few months
and who is the magician behind all these???
Mark Zuckerberg
the co-founder and CEO of FB
He is the one of the"trendsetters" other than Lady Gaga with her revealing clothes and Obama with his "CHANGE"
He set the trend that everyone,
almost..everyone facebook at least 2 hours everyday
Before that,
there were other social networking site such as Friendster and Hi-5
(and i wonder whether they are still functioning well or not because of facebook)
They have the same purposes
They let you join
then you can start adding people,from your closest friends to a perfect stranger
in those sites,you can just chat with strangers like nobody's business
you never know him/her
you never see him/her
but you can chat with him/her like he/she is a part of your family
no it isn't
you can't even talk like this to your family
but you can talk day and night to this stranger
who might turn out to be a criminal
He announced that he will shut down D-Facebook on March 15th
"Facebook has gotten out of control and the stress of managing this company has ruined my life. I need to put an end to all the madness"
This came out from his mouth
some people said that was just a rumour
But i personally don't think so
Cause' it appeared on news
I have a facebook account
but when I heard this news,
I am kinda emotionless
I am not mad or upset though
I'm keep thinking what would happen next
What would happen to those people who get addicted to facebook
Like they are already being sucked into the Facebook world for too deep
that they can't live without Facebook
and now facebook also start living in my students' lives
they are only in primary school for god's sake
“I personally don’t think it’s a big deal. And to be honest, I think it’s for the better. Without Facebook, people will have to go outside and make real friends. That’s always a good thing.”
he said this too...
which is 200% true
people shouldn't create such network in the first place
why would you stay in contact with your friends and family via facebook since you have phones or emails?
I prefer to see or listen to my loved ones
than just facebook ,as you can only see the faces and pictures
Without facebook,
we can also focus on our favourite tv shows such as Oprah
Happpppeeeee Monday!!!!