The same question keeps bugging all these days
"What I really want???"
and when I talked about it with my mum
I told her probably I'd think like that because of the hormone imbalance a.k.a PMS
I am not having menopause
I am only 21 for God's sake
but I am behaviouring like a young lady having early menopause
*A long sigh*
Don't ask me why
I also have no clue at all of what's going on with me
I just feel IT!
the same feeling I used to have long time ago
I feel scared somehow
Don't know why
When something good came to me,
I feel scared
I know
Y'll must be thinking
"Hell,she's out of her mind...feel scared of something good?No way"
I would have this kind of "protective reflex" when "something" good comes to me
(anyone who really understands me would understand what I meant by "IT"...I guess there's none so far... except for my mum...cause' i told her heehee)
Always feel like accepting it in the beginning
But choose to reject it at last
And avoid it for-ever!
(I am trained at avoiding though,i am good at that)
Keep telling myself
why not go have a try?
It's not going to eat me
Just try
My mind just don't work out so well when something like that bugs me
I become restless
prob I got this disorder
I feel like I am a walker..
Walker=dead people that walks..
Sounds weird
More to zombies
Nice show by the way..only got six episodes..shame
It's 1:53 a.m
I have to go to bed
I like to sleep
Cause it's the only time the question wont bugs me
*Another long sigh*
Good night/morning